News broke that Russia is paying the Taliban bounties for killing American soldiers. Trump responded by attacking the New York Times for reporting it.
I hope that anyone who voted for this shit last time will think long and hard about that sequence before voting for this goddamn traitor again. There is not a lot of evidence that the MAGAhatted are capable of thinking. After all, fool me once, shame on me. Fool me 19,128 times, I must be a Trump supporter.
But this one is simple. In the happy times before Trump received the fewest votes and became President, if we found out that Russia is paying a terrorist group to kill American soldiers, we expect the President of the United States to support America.
Not Trump.
“Nobody briefed or told me, [Vice President] Pence or Chief of Staff [Mark Meadows] about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an ‘anonymous source’ by the Fake News . . . Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us. […] nobody’s been tougher on Russia than the Trump administration.”
Trump, via Twitter, June 28, 2020
As usual, none of what he says is true. And also, as usual, the facts are damning and worse than expected. It is not, to use the President’s word against him again, “possibly another fabricated Russia Hoax.”
The most generous explanation is that Trump didn’t know about any of this because Trump installed the two dumbest motherfuckers in America into some of the most critical positions in Washington.
His Chief of Staff is Mark Meadows, a Tea Party lunatic and the former chair of the House Freedom Caucus. His previous accomplishments include ousting John Boehner for being too moderate, shutting down the government thinking that Obama would end Obamacare, angling for the United States Congress to default on America’s debt, and then trying to shut down the government again. He thought that Republicans shutting down the government a second time would make the Democrats look bad.
His Director of National Intelligence is Trump’s lap poodle, John Ratcliffe. He’s an ambulance chaser turned Tea Party blowhard, turned Trump loyalist. Ratcliffe’s National Intelligence resume includes dramatically overstating his involvement in investigating money funneling to Hamas, and completely fabricating a story that he used to arrest 300 “illegals” a day. Ratcliffe was so comically unqualified to run America’s $60,000,000,000 National Intelligence infrastructure that Senate Republicans forced him to withdraw the first time Trump brought it up. Even amongst the Tea Party hivemind, Ratcliffe shows a nearly Trump-level immunity to facts, evidence, logic, and reason. It’s hard to think of a worse person in government to be the DNI, so he’s a perfect catch for the Trump administration. His disingenuousness and bad-faith approach to government fits perfectly.
It is entirely possible, if not reasonable, to conclude that these dumbasses were just too incompetent to receive the information. And if they did receive the information, it would be charitable to assume that they were just too incompetent to figure out what to do with it. In fact, that was precisely the opening party line, with a dig at the media, of course.
“We are still investigating the alleged interference referenced in media reporting and we will brief the President and Congressional leaders at the appropriate time. […] Unfortunately, the unauthorized disclosures now jeopardize our ability to find out the full story with respect to these allegations.”
“The selective leaking of any classified information disrupts the vital interagency work to collect, assess, and mitigate threats and places our forces at risk. It also, simply put, a crime.”
DNI Ratcliffe, through a statement on Monday, June 28, 2020
The Director of National Intelligence should know that when the government so maliciously aligns itself against American interests that they’ll let Russia get away with paying terrorist groups to kill American soldiers, the American intelligence officers will go to the press. This is precisely why the First Amendment protects the press. And now we know that the truth, and the truth is horrifying.
We know from none other than John Bolton that the White House knew about this since March 2019. Trump was briefed again and again since February. Updates were in his PDB since this Spring. Trump has known for over a year… a year (!!!) that Russia was paying the Taliban to kill American Soldiers.
But the White House is playing dumb.
A specific message for Moscow? No, because he has not been briefed on the matter.
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, June 30, 2020
Still not briefed? We’re supposed to believe that shit? Think of all of the times that Trump has protected Russia since March 2019. It feels like 400 years ago, but March 22, 2019, is when Barr received the Mueller report and March 24 is when he presented his “findings”. On May 3, Trump calls Putin and jabbers for an hour, braging about the end of the Mueller investigation. On June 28, Trump and Putin meet privately at the G20 for 90 minutes, and Trump proudly proclaims to the press that the topic of their conversation is “none of your business.” On July 25, the Republican-controlled Senate Intel report found that Russia penetrated all 50 states in their attack on our election. Trump’s response, that very day, was to call the President of Ukraine to extort them, in part, to invent evidence that rogue actors in Ukraine were behind the 2016 election attack instead of Russia. On July 31, Trump and Putin again share a phone call that nobody knew about until Russia reported on it. On August 20, Trump proclaims that Russia should be back in the G8, which is a call he has repeated and repeated up until just last month!
Trump’s propaganda network at Fox News can claim that there is “no corroborating” evidence, and our nakedly partisan DNI John Ratcliffe can bitch about the damaging “leaks”. None of their arguments stand up to actual financial evidence and the chorus of career intelligence professionals, both inside and outside the United States. The only damaging thing about the leaks is that it exposes, once again, that the President of the United States is the worst possible person in this country to hold this office.
Get this fucking traitor out of the White House.