Dear President Trump,
Fuck you.
Insisting that schools open in the middle of a pandemic that is your fault is outrageous. Are you insane? Your lack of leadership has caused the death of over 135,000 people already. You and your goddamn Republican enablers have become angles of death, and a curse on the American people. Your insistence that schools reopen is just the latest of the outrages inflicted on us. Claiming that children are not generally susceptible to the virus is shocking, but what do you care? How many children are you and your fellow bootlicking Republicans willing to see die? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? You are willing to sit on your sorry ass while 135,000 people died. Are you willing to let 135,000 of our children to die also? How much death does it take for you to open up your eyes and realize that you are in charge? God help us.
There has never been such a lack of presidential leadership in the history of this country. You refused to implement a national policy to fight this plague. You have shirked your duty to protect America from this pandemic. You have failed to lead while the United States as led the world in infections and death from this pandemic. You said that you claim no responsibility for the virus spreading throughout our country. We know that. Your administration has pressured the states to virtually ignore the crisis confronting our nation. You and the goddamn Republican governors who kiss your ass like the craven shits they are have caused the worst public health crisis in history.
You have made the Republican party a death cult. It’s all about you, isn’t it? The virus is just a hoax, isn’t it? While you play golf and get tested three times a day, ordinary Americans are dying because of your malfeasance. Your Republican governors have fallen into a predictable pattern of denying reality until the dead bodies pile up until even they can no longer ignore the pain and suffering and outrage of their constituents. It is inevitable that Governors in Texas, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida will sooner or later be forced to shut down their states in the face of the deaths of thousands of citizens unfortunate enough to live in their states. How many will die first?
But no. There is no responsibility to be laid at your door, right? It doesn’t bother you a bit that 135,000 Americans have died, does it? It’s all about your reelection, isn’t it? Well, we are not stupid. Those of us who can afford to not send our children and grandchildren back to school are not going to do so just so you can continue to pretend that the virus does not exist. You don’t care for our children but we do. You won’t even wear a goddamn mask.
Mr. President, you and your fellow Republicans are responsible for this plague. An election is coming and you and your fellow Republicans are going to pay for yours and their malfeasance. It looks like you and your party are going to be flushed down the toilet like unwanted shit. I hope so. I hope I live long enough to vote against you.
Very Truly Yours,
Jeff Carter