Dear Leader

An Open Letter to the President

Dear President Trump, 

Fuck you.

Insisting that schools open in the middle of a pandemic that is your fault is outrageous. Are you insane?  Your lack of leadership has caused the death of over 135,000 people already. You and your goddamn Republican enablers have become angles of death, and a curse on the American people. Your insistence that schools reopen is just the latest of the outrages inflicted on us. Claiming that children are not generally susceptible to the virus is shocking, but what do you care? How many children are you and your fellow bootlicking Republicans willing to see die? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? You are willing to sit on your sorry ass while 135,000 people died. Are you willing to let 135,000 of our children to die also? How much death does it take for you to open up your eyes and realize that you are in charge? God help us.

There has never been such a lack of presidential leadership in the history of this country. You refused to implement a national policy to fight this plague. You have shirked your duty to protect America from this pandemic. You have failed to lead while the United States as led the world in infections and death from this pandemic. You said that you claim no responsibility for the virus spreading throughout our country. We know that. Your administration has pressured the states to virtually ignore the crisis confronting our nation. You and the goddamn Republican governors who kiss your ass like the craven shits they are have caused the worst public health crisis in history. 

You have made the Republican party a death cult. It’s all about you, isn’t it? The virus is just a hoax, isn’t it? While you play golf and get tested three times a day, ordinary Americans are dying because of your malfeasance. Your Republican governors have fallen into a predictable pattern of denying reality until the dead bodies pile up until even they can no longer ignore the pain and suffering and outrage of their constituents. It is inevitable that Governors in Texas, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida will sooner or later be forced to shut down their states in the face of the deaths of thousands of citizens unfortunate enough to live in their states. How many will die first?

But no. There is no responsibility to be laid at your door, right? It doesn’t bother you a bit that 135,000 Americans have died, does it? It’s all about your reelection, isn’t it? Well, we are not stupid. Those of us who can afford to not send our children and grandchildren back to school are not going to do so just so you can continue to pretend that the virus does not exist. You don’t care for our children but we do. You won’t even wear a goddamn mask.

Mr. President, you and your fellow Republicans are responsible for this plague. An election is coming and you and your fellow Republicans are going to pay for yours and their malfeasance.  It looks like you and your party are going to be flushed down the toilet like unwanted shit. I hope so. I hope I live long enough to vote against you.

Very Truly Yours,
Jeff Carter

Dear Leader

Trump is Democidal

The Washington Post has a schadenfreude-tastic article this morning where GOP strategists are concerned that Dear Leader’s baseless attacks against Mail-In Voting might leave the GOP baseless.

The GOP fears that enough dumbass MAGAhats will skip voting this year because their president is attacking the only safe way to vote during a pandemic. Republican candidates are getting blowback from their constituents whenever they advise on how to vote for them by mail. That’s fewer votes for Cory Gardner, Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue, Joni Ernst, Susan Collins, Thom Tills, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell. Suits the hell out of me.

Trump has made over 60 completely fabricated claims warning about the “fraudulent” nature of voting by mail. As usual, Donald Trump is wrong, and the evidence is negative.

The right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation came out with their most damning evidence about voter fraud in America. Their document Truth about Voter Fraud can be found on the White House’s website. In large-font all-caps against a scary red background, you the reader are first alerted with their summary of “1071 PROVEN INSTANCES OF VOTER FRAUD”. Since 1988… That averages out to what… about 67 per election? So?

Out of this list of 1071 voter fraud cases spanning over three decades, a whopping 70 of them relate to absentee voting. These charges include eye-popping crimes such as the 1988 crime of Mr. Ernest Newton, former state senator of Connecticut, who agreed to pay a civil penalty of $1,000 for assisting in filling out someone else’s absentee ballot.

In the 2016 election, there was precisely ONE case of mail-in voter fraud. The case was in Iowa, where Terri Lynn Rote pleaded guilty for voting for Donald Trump twice.

In contrast, 18,610 votes were not counted in Florida in 2000 due to dimpled or hanging chads. Katherine Harris’s “Scrub List” erred in kicking off about 26,000 eligible voters that were neither felons nor dead. The United States Commission on Civil Rights found that African-Americans made up 11% of Florida 2000 voters and 53% of the uncounted votes. Again, these numbers are for one election in one state. The comparison is not even close.

There are a lot of issues of ballot access in the United States. Voting by mail is a solution, not a problem. The evidence shows overwhelmingly and unambiguously that voting by mail is a great way to vote. Voter fraud is vanishingly small and insignificant in our election system. The embarrassingly low number of cases that The Heritage Foundation uncovered in their 3-decade nationwide search is proof positive. But Trump supporters are immune to evidence by definition. Dear Leader told them it was a problem, so now they think it’s a problem. Surely, politics are in play (gasp!), but according to a recent NYT/Siena College survey, 88% of Biden supporters support expanding vote-by-mail in a pandemic, and 72% MAGAhats oppose it.

New Jersey’s Primary this year was mostly by mail. Five states–Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Utah, are completely vote-by-mail. Utah voted for Trump in 2016. Arizona, which went for Trump last time, is about 80% vote-by-mail. Even before Before COVID changed everything, twenty-one states allowed voting by mail to anybody who wanted it. Access has only increased since voting by mail became the obvious public-health-conscious solution to preserving our democracy in a pandemic. Evidence shows that both Democrats and Republicans are elected by mailed-in ballots.

So a funny story about Trump supporters refusing to vote has extremely dire consequences. Trump is amplifying his message of two possible outcomes. Either Trump wins the election, or the election is fraudulent. And if recent surveys of vote-by-mail opposition approximate MAGAhats’ adoption of Trump’s worldview of the 2020 election, we will have a large bloc of people baselessly believing that the election was stolen from Dear Leader.

Absolutely nothing in Trump’s history gives any confidence that he will accept the results of an election where he is the biggest loser on the biggest stage on the planet. He still doesn’t accept the 2016 election that he lost by nearly 3,000,000 votes but still got the office.

Trump knows there is nothing wrong with mail-in ballots. He is attacking elections because he does not want an election. As was true for the past 3 and a half years, Trump fancies himself a dictator, and the dictator is attempting to pre-emptively nullify the election. He is actively, relentlessly, daily, attacking the very fabric of democracy. Nothing less than the peaceful transfer of power hangs in the balance. Trump is unambiguously clear on his position.

Dear Leader

Trump’s GOP Death Cult

On July 7, Trump sent a letter formally withdrawing from The World Health Organization which begs the question: “Is Trump trying to lose the election?” Surely, he knows that the Democrats (maybe) and the Lincoln Project (for sure, for sure) are going to produce ads screaming about the idiocy of withdrawing from WHO in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Tomorrow the United States will pass 3,000,000 cases of the corona virus. It just doesn’t seem possible that Trump doesn’t see that, whatever his complaint with WHO, the decision to pull out of WHO now is contra-indicated. Tomorrow we can look forward to the entire Republican party avoiding the question of whether or not they agreed with the wacko decision. Being the spineless sycophants that they are, they will brush the questions off while sucking up to Trump, just like they’ve done a hundred times before. “That’s just Trump being Trump”. “I can’t answer for everything Trump says”.  “I’m late for a very important meeting”.  It’s a tired script of excuses that you can write yourself.

Which begs another question: Has Trump decided to take the Republican Party down with him? Does he take a secret pleasure in watching his fellow Republicans debase themselves to grovel before him? His obstinate refusal to wear a simple mask when people are dying by the thousands every day is astonishing. The subsequent laying on of lips to Trumps ass from Governors like Abbot, Kemp and DeSantis is amazing. What loyalty do they feel for this damn fool and why? These Governors have denied science and the evidence right before their eyes to the point of their constituents dying just to appease Trump. And they are not alone by any stretch of the imagination. It has become a common theme among Republican officials: deny the virus until there are too many dead bodies to ignore, then proclaim: “Well surprise, surprise! We need everybody to wear a mask. We need everybody to maintain a social distance. Who Knew?” The Republicans have become a death cult. Governor Kemp will probably be the next Republican Governor to have reality bite him on the ass and he will soon be calling for mask; just like Abbot. How many more Americans have to die because Georgia voted for an ignorant douchebag is anybody’s guess.

And now Trump and Betty DeVos are calling for a reopening of the schools next month claiming it will be perfectly safe. Given the accuracy of their recent statements and DeVos’s track record, it is a pretty sure bet that they are lying. They have no empirical data or studies that show their reopening can be done safely nor are they prepared to support any such studies. Trust them they say. Forget the string of lies we’ve told you and trust us that we know best for your children in this life or death situation. Hopefully, people will be less gullible when it comes to the lives of their children than they were about voting for a psychopath for president.

Trump and DeVos are in for a rude awakening when they find how many American moms withhold their children from school because they think that DeVos and Trump are full of shit. There is no way it will be safe for children to return to most schools before the end of the year at least and American Moms don’t want their children to be volunteered by Trump and DeVos to be unwilling subjects in an experiment to see how many children they will let die in a quest to test Trump’s and DeVos’s magical and unsubstantiated theories on when it is safe to reopen schools.

Finally, we get to Tucker Carlson despicable statements on state run television about the hero and patriot Sen. Tammy Duckworth hates America. Duckworth, who lost both legs in Iraq when the helicopter she was flying was hit by a rocket propelled grenade, has more patriotism in her little finger than Tucker has exhibited in his whole worthless life. She should challenge Tucker to a dual. Even with both legs missing, I bet she would wipe the floor with his smug ass. Tucker doubled down the next day accusing Duckworth of being a “coward” a “fraud” and a “moron”. In the old days, decent republicans would have tarred and feathered the worthless son of a bitch. Instead they are either cheering Tucker on or disgracing themselves by remaining silent and complicit about his despicable ravings. What’s left of the republican party has sunk so low that they cheer Tucker on in his disgraceful slander of an American hero. 

At this point, anyone who describes themselves as a Republican is proclaiming themselves to be either a proud supporter of white supremacy and anti-Americanism or too goddamn stupid to realize that they are being useful idiots for a regime that places party over country every time.

The only way to reclaim our country is to vote Blue in November up and down the ballot. Vote for America or vote for Republicans. The choice is mutually exclusive.