The Prez of the United State
Runs a country he obvi’sly hate
Senate trial was denied us
Germaphobe beat by a virus
And I hope that will make him irate.
See, it’s funny because Trump is famously a germaphobe and his incompetence in leading this country through the pandemic is inescapable by his normal blame-shifting and “alternative facts”. And after surviving bragging about rape, priming his “second amendment people” to assassinate his opponent, gloating about being a tax cheat, enlisting an adversary to help his campaign, trashing one of this country’s most beloved and dedicated statesman because he prefers his war heroes uncaptured, attacking families of American soldiers killed in service to our nation, defending our own very fine Nazis, et cetera, et cetera, it’s ironic that he’s getting bested by a virus. So because the pandemic provides no cover for his utter unfitness to the Presidency, the People will vote him out of office. I have confidence that will piss him off more than anything in his life, with no one to blame but himself. He’ll never admit that, of course, but he’ll know.
Oh and for Fox viewers, he hates this country because he’s a wannabe dictator and hates the very idea of democracy and everything America used to stand for. And Senate Republicans, with the exception of Mitt Romney, failed to uphold their oath to the Constitution in service to this traitor. Senate Republicans decided that instead of answering tough questions about why they support a president who extorted an American ally to fabricate evidence against American citizens, they would hold the world’s first trial with no witnesses and no documents. That’s why the joke works.
That, and it rhymes.