Dear Leader

We need a change in November

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We seriously need a change in November. The President, never fit for office, has demonstrated in the last few days a remarkable detachment from reality. While Mike Pence may think that Trump was selected by God himself to bring the country back from the brink of the collapse of civilization, let me say that though God works in mysterious ways, He ain’t that damn mysterious, fawning evangelicals notwithstanding. Charlatans and Emer Gantry wannabes like Jerry Falwell Jr. and Pat Robinson may be able to overlook the hate, viciousness, immorality, narcissism, dishonesty and corruption that defines Trump. And truth be known, they can follow him through the gates of Hell while Satan cackles in glee at the vacuous stupidity of those credulous minions for all I care. But Trump poses a clear and present danger to the soul of the United States.

Aided and abetted by his Attorneys General, Trump orders military police to attack peacefully demonstrating citizens and drive them with batons and teargas from a park for the crime of assembling to protest the murder of a black man. Trump, along with his jackbooted thugs could then march unmolested to a church to defile it for a photo op while carrying a book that he has never read. The one that contains both Corinthians. One and Two. He thinks he was projecting strength, but hiding behind rows of Secret Service and military police is not strength. It was just an extension of his fright that he displayed earlier the day before when he fled from threats that only existed in his mind to the safety of the White House bunker. Later, of course, true to form, he lied about the incident so as not to appear to be the sniveling coward that he is.

Unable to lead even the coterie of misfits, collaborators and cronies that he handpicked to torment us with, Trump now presides over a kakistocracy, a government led by the worst and least qualified people chosen from a cabal of the most unscrupulous citizens.  Faced with a pandemic of unprecedented proportions, Trump abdicated the Federal government’s responsibility because he is incapable of coping with the existential crisis facing our country. His ignorance of practically everything is magnified by the sycophants and ass kissers who now surround him.

When America needs a leader with vision, we are left instead with a man who can only charitably be described as deeply and profoundly stupid. There are so many examples that I hesitate to start a list. These are not his normal string of random words which add up to nothing but the kind of pronouncements that make one question the workings of his deeply flawed mind. Where most people have a filter that so that their brains can handle two concepts like disinfectants and injections without suggesting that people inject themselves with Lysol, Trump apparently has no filter at all. Consider his suggestion that we nuke hurricanes. Imagine the stupendous historical ignorance to suggest that Revolutionary soldiers took over the airports. Remember his declaration that clean coal is coal that has been cleaned.  His wonderment that Puerto Rico is surrounded by water, big water, ocean water. His utterance that the noise from windmills causes cancer and that the reason that the California fires were so devastating was that they did not rake their forest like the people of Finland did. And my personal favorite, that you cannot see a stealth fighter like the F-35 because it is invisible. A very stable genius. Breathtakingly, almost incomprehensively stupid.

And now we have arrived at the time when a President is challenged as all are. Faced with a pandemic he has no idea how to combat, he declares himself a war President while surrendering all authority to the Governors to escape responsibility for the 100,000 Americans who have died as a consequence of his denial and inaction. Without displaying a shred of compassion or humanity, he sequesters himself in his bunker. A war President who is a deserter. A weakling shirking his duties like a craven wimp.

If you vote for him again, you don’t love America.


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